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Storage Ideas for Your Entire Home

Storage Ideas for Your Entire Home

Limited on space or have too much stuff to deal with? These storage solutions will help you de-clutter every room in your home. To get you started, here are a few golden rules to follow for home storage:

  1. Opt for square containers. Unless you have open shelving, square storage containers are always a better option because they maximize space. Round containers are less space-efficient and never fit flush against a wall.
  2. Don’t get cheap containers. If you’re storing clothes in a closet, you can by with most basic containers, but if you’re storing them in an area where they will be exposed to the elements or changes in temperature, spring for the better-made versions. Plastic is best for long-term storage.
  3. Look for nesters. Nesters are containers that stack well together. They're both stylish and practical.
  4. Don’t buy sets. Sets of containers tend to have only one container of each size, which often doesn't match reality. Usually it's best to size containers based on what you're storing.
  5. Identify your storage space first. It's always best to locate a storage space before you start boxing everything up. Working backward will save you time and headaches.
  6. This trick is currently all the rage in Northern Europe where modern design always seems to be on the forefront of everyone's minds (think: IKEA). Install a dish drying rack in a cabinet above your sink to save space on the countertop.
  7. This storage idea may seem simple and obvious, but travel mugs and water bottles aren't the easiest things to organize. How often have you hunted through your cabinets looking for a travel coffee mug while on the way out the door? By labeling dishpans or shallow bins for smarter, more compact storage, you'll never waste time searching again.

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